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Landscaping in Havelock North, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
10 Napier Road,
Havelock North
Hawke's Bay, Hastings, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 357 8999
027 443 3668
Our fax
06 3578197
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Garden Supplies, Horticultural Supplies, Landscaping, Tree Services
Expertised in Landscaping
Maintenance, Construction, Landscaping, Paving, Gardening, Planting, Design,Horticultural services nec
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Palmerston North, Palmerston North Area
Additional info
Decks, Gardens, Retaining Walls, Rock, Residential, Commercial, Fences, Retaining Walls
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business MegaMulch are:
Closed now
Opens in 3 Hr 51 Min
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You have some wicked courage
“Providing help for both communities so the protesters can protest and everybody else can keep on keeping on.”
Order and private delivery very well!
“With the order for my daughter's birthday, everything was absolutely perfect! Large selection of flowsers and the delivery arrived on time. Thank you very much, from now on no other supplier than Ammi Floral Design!”
“I saw that post on the local grapevine about the arena works sounds like a total dirt bag.... some one said he’s gone to Whanganui, so hopefully out of the area...”
My experience was excellent .
“They were great guys with great work ethics. Very informative and not wanting to be basis regarding a substandard new roof we had fitted previously. We got them to undertake a complete re roof which we could not be happier with the out come... they came with a few local recomendations that I have to support fully. Great job well done!”
“Mr Wong Toi is a very respectful gentleman. He listens to your problems.”