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McDougall's Saddlery
Equestrian Supplies in Gore, Southland area
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Our address
6 Tamworth Lane,
Southland, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 208 6501
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 1944
Canvas Goods, Equestrian Supplies, Saddlers
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Gore Area
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Wild Horses, Riding Horses, Racing Horses, Ponies, Draught Horses, Whips, Spurs, Saddles, Horseshoes, Holsters, Grooming Supplies, Farrier Supplies
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business McDougall's Saddlery are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-05:30pm
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“Been a customer for 25 years, since moving to Manurewa. Great Barber and an assett to the whole community.”
“Dirty place. Young had no idea how to do massage. Staff very rude. I have a very bad experience. It was not a Thai massage rather than the sex industry service. It should not promote on your page”
“I have been using them since I arrived in NZ fifteen years ago. Since retiring 8 years ago I now live 40 km from them but still happily make the trip.It's a great team.”