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McDonald's Restaurants New Zealand Limited
Restaurants in Auckland area
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Our address
302 Great South Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 836 2446
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Services offered
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Henderson, Henderson
Additional info
Families, Dine-in, Take Away, Dinner, Lunch, Fine Food, Families, A La Carte, European, Appetisers, Wine
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business McDonald's Restaurants New Zealand Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 20 Hr 17 Min
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This is what customers say about McDonald's Restaurants New Zealand Limited
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Flawless and faultless
“In my own personal experience with Mike Kilbride, I felt extremely comfortable with his representation and trusted him without an iona of doubt, an absolute professional with his work and representation...if you want a barrister/lawyer for anything that requires the full attention and dedication then Mike Kilbride is your guy..10/10....”
Horrible. Awful
“The WORST customer service I have ever experienced in my life!! Staff were rude, uninterested in helping me or providing a solution to my problem, and had a don’t care attitude!! I had to get the POLICE involved to get the product I ordered that they refused to give me!! I will NEVER NEVER EVER EVER go back there!! My advice: go elsewhere or contact Spark online. The call centre staff were lovely and tried to find a solution for me by calling the store, to no avail. Steer clear of them!!”
Poor workmanship and service
“We had two bathrooms tiled floor to ceiling in a new build architectural house. We were left with chipped tiles and also some tiles that were drumming(not glued down adequately) . We have had to make an insurance claim for the removal of all floor tiles& replacement along with underfloor heating elements which involves the removal of toilets, vanities and bath. Would not recommend Todd Mudie's to anyoine.”
“Genuine good old fashioned Kiwi service. Supplied us with a mower belt swiftly and at a fair price. Also really appreciated the fact that they allowed my elderly Labrador to come in out of the scorching summer heat. All staff were helpful and friendly. Highly recommend. Cheers Team!”