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McDonald's Family Restaurant
Restaurants in Gisborne area
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Our address
30 Bright Street,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 867 9351
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business McDonald's Family Restaurant are:
Open Now
Today: 06:30am-11:30pm
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This is what customers say about McDonald's Family Restaurant
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Highly recommend
“I have bought a large book shelf, blanket box and large cubes shelving unit over the years. Well made, still look new. Waiting for them to reopen to see if can make good old fashioned bedhead with shelf”
“Very bad customer service, not ready to take any feedback. More attention is given to the people turning up without any appointment. So always in hurry and you may end up paying a lot for 10 mins job.”
“Excellent dental service - very high-quality work, and top-notch friendly service!”
“Did not bring the right tools to the job and still charged. Peter seems like someone who will fleece you for every penny”