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Maxine Bevin
Speech Language Therapists in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
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06 836 6361
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Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“I saw that post on the local grapevine about the arena works sounds like a total dirt bag.... some one said he’s gone to Whanganui, so hopefully out of the area...”
Unvaxxed = unclean.
“Seems this service thinks ok to discriminate against those people who choose not to take part in a world wide experimental drug programme. Disgusting behaviour. If they ever wondered where they would have stood in 1933 - now they know.”
An outstanding and wonderful therapist
“I simply cannot express enough how wonderful supportive professional kind and calm Nancy is. Ill forever be gratful to Nancy for how much she got me thru life changing crisis'. Thank you Nancy for EVERYTHING”
“Reg Horner has fixed my wind-up watches and clocks for a few years now and I cant recommend him highly enough. He has moved to Fairley, but I still send my things to him. Thanks Reg :) Diane Lowe”