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Maungaraki Auto Services Limited
Automotive Repairs in Wellington area
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Our address
125 Dowse Dr,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 569 2269
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Services offered
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Expertised in Automotive Repairs
Alignments, Balancing, Diagnostics, Repairs, Tune-ups, Oil Changes, Maintenance
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Maungaraki, Lower Hutt City
Payment options
Additional info
Vans, Trucks, Cars, 4WD, 4WD
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Maungaraki Auto Services Limited are:
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This is what customers say about Maungaraki Auto Services Limited
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“Wow what a fantastic place to work for not!! It was so hard to take time off for my wife scan .. My daughter birth is worth more than running a stupid machine do you hear? Ok”
Thumbs up! A+++
“can’t thank you enough our car is doing great the clicking sounds is gone when you change the oil we thought there’s something wrong with the gear box what a great relief thank you so much especially to sebastiaan, highly recommended worth the travel and works done in less than an hour :) thank you once again!”
“Im for suporting local but with lack of customer care or sevice and rip off prices wont be sad or surprised if they close down soon its inevitable this place”
“Can’t Fault them at all from the service , to the amazing work , to the great communication definitely recommend”
Thank you
“Passed my Class 2 practical today. Training is very thorough and Brian does not hold back sharing his years of experience training and driving all sorts of vehicles. Highly recommend.”