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Matrixx Consultants Limited
Engineers Mechanical in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty area
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Our address
103 Wharf Street,
Bay of Plenty, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 577 9845
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Services offered
Acoustic Consultants, Architects, Engineers Consulting, Engineers Mechanical, General Business, Noise Control, Transport Consultants
Expertised in Engineers Mechanical
Fabrication, Manufacturing, Construction, CAD, Consulting, Design, Development, Project Management, Maintenance, Installation, Welding, Machining
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Tauranga, Tauranga Area
Additional info
Warehouses, Factories, Engines
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Matrixx Consultants Limited are:
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Opens in 2 Hr 5 Min
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This is what customers say about Matrixx Consultants Limited
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Kauri table restoration
“Prompt efficient service. Excellent restoration work.”
Unvaxxed = unclean.
“Seems this service thinks ok to discriminate against those people who choose not to take part in a world wide experimental drug programme. Disgusting behaviour. If they ever wondered where they would have stood in 1933 - now they know.”
“VERY POOR workmanship,brakes adjusted without lifting wheel result over heated , all bonded linings came off.Overheating problem, tested radiator but didn't replace any hoses.result burst hose. ”
Danger Is Ok?
“Manuka St Castlecliff , Payne trucks often at cattle run across entire road so anyone coming round corner of Mill Rd into Manuka St cannot see what is coming at all, must not only cross onto the wrong side of the road but onto the grass verge to get around. The seeing distance does not exist. There exists a real danger, regularly. Why no traffic safety people when blocking the road like this? Is it legal to park across a now busy public road creating a danger with no safety plans are used?”