Maten Floral Design
Florists in Auckland area
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Our address
80 Saint Lukes Road
North Island
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 846 2522
0800 888 238
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Services offered since 2005
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Expertised in Florists
quality fresh flowers and arrangements for all occasions
Areas serviced
Nationwide, International, Mount Albert, Auckland City
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, EFTPOS, American Express
Additional info
Delivery service, supply quality fresh flowers and arrangements for all occasions, living indoor plants, artificial flower arrangements, balloons, chocolates, soft toys
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Maten Floral Design are:
Today: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
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About Maten Floral Design
Our flower shop has been located in the best shopping mall in New Zealand–Westfield St Lukes for more than 40 years. Our experienced florists will create unique flower arrangements with their artistic flair for all occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, new born babies, sympathies, thank you gifts, wedding flowers, Valentines Day, Mothers Day and Christmas time etc. In NZ Flower & Garden Show 2017, we won the Bronze Medal. In the survey conducted by Consumer Magazine in April 2009, Maten Floral Design scored the highest rating of 95%. The assessor gave the bouquets from Maten Floral Design full marks for impact, value for money and materials, and he said they definitely had the WOW! factor.
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“we been there at 2;40pm for my 10 months baby appointment at 2;45pm. we were sitting in the waiting area aand baby was playing and laughing.The reception lady asked us to go out as my baby was laughing loud. we were so upset as it was so hot and no one can ask you to go out just because the baby laugh.It makes me so upset . it was so hot outside. i asked for witing time while we came back inside, the lady said you were too early so you have to wait. Annoying experience. Will change the doctor.”
Shopping from California
“Great site - will be ordering for birthdays and Christmas to my NZ family! I'll be back!”
Dismissive and rude
“Debbie (owner)replied to my enquiry of 5 question with a dismissive answer of “No sorry”. Very unhelpful. Only got 1 star because I had to give them something to post review”