Marlborough Vehicle Removals
Scrap Metal Dealers in Riverlands, Marlborough area
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Our address
17 Bristol Street
Marlborough South Island
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 766 7105
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Services offered
Automotive Dismantlers, Scrap Metal Dealers
Expertised in Scrap Metal Dealers
Areas serviced
Riverlands, Riverlands
Payment options
No payment options defined yet.
Additional info
Cars, Vehicles, Cars, Aluminium, Iron, Stainless Steel, Scrap Metal, Bronze, Brass, Copper, Steel, Cast Iron, Commercial, Scrap Yards
Availability/ Opening hours
No times set yet.
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Replaced urn I supplied
“Unprofessional telling a client they don't know what their 10yr old urn looked like. Destroy plaque then deny it. Replaced it with a really out of date one said it was always there once removed they were proven wrong”
Faulty dishwasher installation
“Dishwasher was not hooked up correctly resulting in water leaking into kitchen cupboards and causing damage. Despite their tradesman admitting a faulty installation Leader and Watt denied responsibility and refused to repair damage adequately only offering a cheap patch up job.”
House lot
“turned up on time,nice bunch of guys who were on to it ,worked hard got the job done quickly and efficiently and an excellant price ,i would highly reccommend”