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Manawatu Cricket Assn
Sports Clubs in Palmerston North area
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Our address
Park Rd,
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 354 2498
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Sports Clubs
Competition, Refereeing, Coaching
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Palmerston North, Palmerston North Area
Additional info
Recreational, Competitive, Adults, All Ages, Intermediate, Beginner, Advanced, Sporting Events, Fitness, Basketball, Rugby, Football
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Manawatu Cricket Assn are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Booked flights to Fiji for myself and two others. Super excited. Got who I find out is the manager who was so bored and uninterested, no eye contact and basically acted like I was wasting his time. Definitly put a downer on the trip. Miserable. Wish Id got the other guy in the office who was having a great time with his client. Move on buddy if you dont like your job.”
“had to chase paddy all the time, and that was just for a quote, so probably won't bother if he ever sends us his quote. Unreliable tradies, not a good look:(”
“My kids love it here. Small, great new teachers, yummy nutritional food - I highly recommend this Centre”
Didn't really care
“I contacted tthem and the guy that answered fobbed me off and didn't even suggest anyone else to do the job. I understand you may be busy but they're is such a thing as customer service. Would never ring them again”
“I do not recommend this valuer at all as not only are they more expensive than most other valuers, but they also gave us a really low value on our property, which was almost $100,000 less than 3 different real estate agents provided to us in their free market appraisals. The valuer also compared our property to mostly 2 bedroom houses when our house is 3 bedrooms and they still valued our house less than these properties. They also did not address the points that I raised in my email.”