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Mana Orthopaedics
Medical Clinics in Porirua, Wellington area
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Our address
1-6/107A Mana Esplanade,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 233 0680
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mana Orthopaedics are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-04:00pm
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“My mother when into buy a new iPhone and the sales person put her old SIM card into the new phone. At the point of sale charged her $20 for this. This charge was not disclosed to her until very end!”
Lazy unhelpful staff
“When you go in on a Saturday morning to buy parts for a Metro fire and told by the female staff member to come back on Monday because she doesn’t know the product code and she wasn’t even prepared to look the code up on the store computer. What is the point of having someone working in the store when they are too lazy to help a customer and they they don’t know what they’re doing? I told her I’ll go around to Mitre 10 and she replied “ that’s fine.””
Choose Felipe Rodriguez for your tiling
“Felipe's work is excellent, a professional and reliable tiler who has transformed my kitchen and scullery walls exactly as I had had envisaged them to look.”
Seriously disappointed. Do not use!!
“Seriously recommend anyone to use a different company. He put down a well for us, we specifically asked for 3rd aquifer at 90-100 meters. He only drilled ours to 47 meters, and our water is terrible. We have had to sink another well with a different company, to the correct level. Using Daly water wells was a seriously expensive mistake. Simply put, he is a backyard operation, and a rip-off scam artist. After asking around the district, we have discovered many others with similar stories.”