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Mana Motel
Motels and Lodges in Porirua, Wellington area
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Our address
41 Mana Esplanade,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 233 8139
0800 866 262
Our fax
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Services offered since 2013
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Mana, Porirua City
Additional info
Beach, Kitchens, Lodge, Decks, Spas, Beach, Alarm Clocks, Ironing Boards, Microwave Ovens, DVD Players, Cots, Coffee Makers, Internet Access, Fans, Heaters
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mana Motel are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“FIxed my dishwasher then 4 months later the part failed refused to sort and blamed the supplier. This guy is nothing short of a thief. DO NOT USE THIS CLOWN ”
Poor respond
“I have been trying to contact go cover to make a claim, left multiple messages and email admin but not one as yet to respond and I'm still paying my insurance”
Awesome service
“We have been fortunate to have had such a wonderful honest lawyer who has worked for a few members of our family. Thank you Tony for doing such a thorough job.”
L&P Simpson
“Today we have had our house carpet cleaned by Jae Services in Gisborne. We are absolutely thrilled with the results and have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this company, in fact I asked them for some business cards so I could pass them on to anyone I heard of needing services such as theirs..”
“Shopped here a lot, but just refused a refund 20 minutes after $50 purchase because son realized it wasnt the right product after all. Incredibly mean spirited - will never shop here again and will make sure friends and colleagues don't either. What a sh*t way to treat your customers.”