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Maharaja's Tandoori Hut Indian Restaurant
Restaurants in Auckland area
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Our address
168D Aviemore Dve Highland Park Pakuranga Auckland,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 535 4700
Our fax
09 274 3383
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Services offered since 2013
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Botany Downs, Manukau City
Payment options
American Express, Cash, MasterCard, EFTPOS, VISA
Additional info
Families, Dine-in, Take Away, Lunch, Dinner, Families, A La Carte, Fine Food, BYO Wine & Beer, European, Butter Chicken, Indian, Appetisers, Wine
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Maharaja's Tandoori Hut Indian Restaurant are:
Closed now
Opens in 3 Hr 9 Min
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This is what customers say about Maharaja's Tandoori Hut Indian Restaurant
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“Stuart Cunningham painted our house. Paint peeling off within three years had to get it repainted. Next painter said many parts of the house had only had one coat of paint even though paid for two. ”
Reaction to Anon written on 14/03/2022
“Its a shame you didn't add your name to your comment, as I dont believe you were a visitor who just popped in. More likely one of the Toxic Persons that Management removed from the property. I am a permanent and yes the camp has had it problems, but we came here like others accepting the camp as it was and we are all still here. We are all good respectable people. Council is making regular checks.”
“They do my parents lawn and constantly miss patches leaving long bits. Leave grass clippings on the grass and foot paths. Very rarely do the edges. There Gardner is no better leaving weeds. ”
“One one transaction this lawyer gave our resource consent to another party costing us $13,000 then she made a mistake in the GST and cost us another $42,000. She is arrogant,rude and no communication.”
Hey thanks
“For supplying the blocks that helped make our policemen safer”