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Macpac Newmarket

Clothing Specialty in Auckland area

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business Macpac Newmarket are:


Open Now

Today: 10:00am-04:30pm

Services offered

Clothing Specialty

Expertised in

No services defined yet. 

Areas serviced

we are providing services in Newmarket, Auckland City

Payment options

MasterCard, VISA, Cash, EFTPOS

Additional info

Men, Women, Boots, Swimwear, Shirts, Track Suits, Rain Gear, Dresses, Polos, Bags, Trousers, Caps, Belts, Blouses, T shirts

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“Poor communication and service. Huge delays with a lack of updates. Average curtains for the cost. Would not recommend.”

Arihia Maree Mataira-Kapa Valley Road Cattery

The owner over charged me

“My cat was originally booked from 06/05/22 from 4.10pm to 29/05/2022 0945hrs. I encountered unfortunate circumstances and returned home earlier. I called then went to pick my cat up and was then charged the whole day 06/05/22 when my cat was not clocked in till 4.15pm and charged for the full day today 15/05/2022, when my cat was picked up at 0945hrs. When challenged excuse after excuse was made by the owner that cat cage was booked all day Friday and yet told to go in at 4.10pm. Load of crap!!!”


“I do not recommend this valuer at all as not only are they more expensive than most other valuers, but they also gave us a really low value on our property, which was almost $100,000 less than 3 different real estate agents provided to us in their free market appraisals. The valuer also compared our property to mostly 2 bedroom houses when our house is 3 bedrooms and they still valued our house less than these properties. They also did not address the points that I raised in my email.”


“David Scott gave very good advice on how to remove ways for rats to get into the ceiling and put out a lot of bait. I would recommend using David and Critterkill.”

Verybad dishonest company

“As a tenant they had found a damage to side of a bedroom window which we never caused but because I had not taken photograph before moving in I had no evidence other than my word which they obviously were able to deduct from our bond when we left the property. They were also racist and assumed I was samoan when I'm not. Hate to say but if this company still exists I hope they burn down as it was the worst treatme t I've ever experienced.”