MAC Auto Services
MAC Auto Services

MAC Auto Services PRO


Automotive Repairs in 1/56 Wickham Street, Bromley, Christchurch area

Christchurch mechanic with 30+ years of experience

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MAC Auto Services

Our address
Megan Calvert
1/56 Wickham Street, Bromley, Christchurch 8062,
New Zealand

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Services offered since 2018

Warrant of Fitness, Vehicles, WOF, Brake Repairs, Engine diagnostics and repairs, Scheduled maintenance and servicing, Suspension and steering system care, Transmission servicing and repairs, Tyres

Expertised in Automotive Repairs

Brake system maintenance, scheduled maintenance and servicing, WOF, Engine diagnostics, Suspension repairs, Cambelt, Engine repairs

Areas serviced


Payment options

Cash, Credit Cards, Afterpay

Additional info

Cars, WOF, Mechanic, Brakes, Suspension, Cambelt, Servicing, Engine Diagnostics, Tyres

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business MAC Auto Services are:

08:00 am - 05:00 pm
08:00 am - 05:00 pm
08:00 am - 05:00 pm
08:00 am - 05:00 pm
08:00 am - 05:00 pm
08:30 am - 12:30 pm
Open Now

Today: 08:30 am - 12:30 pm

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About MAC Auto Services

We are a Christchurch based automotive service provider who offers expert car care with a personalized approach backed by 30 years of experience. Whether you require a WOF inspection, routine servicing, or specialized care for your vehicle, our team is committed to enhancing your ride's safety and performance. Our skilled technicians utilize cutting-edge diagnostics and repair techniques to ensure your vehicle receives the highest quality of care. From comprehensive WOF inspections to routine servicing and specialized repairs, we are dedicated to optimizing your vehicle's performance and longevity. Trust us to keep your ride running smoothly and safely on the road, no matter its make or model. Schedule an appointment with Mac Auto Services today and experience the difference of expert automotive care.


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Verybad dishonest company

“As a tenant they had found a damage to side of a bedroom window which we never caused but because I had not taken photograph before moving in I had no evidence other than my word which they obviously were able to deduct from our bond when we left the property. They were also racist and assumed I was samoan when I'm not. Hate to say but if this company still exists I hope they burn down as it was the worst treatme t I've ever experienced.”

Excellent floor sander

“A top notch job with extensive knowledge of woodworking”

Richard Goodall Park Street Eye Clinic

Be careful

“Very slick. 25% of cateract ops don't work. Mine did not. Ensure you need the op before you risk it. Get a second opinion.”


“Best olive oil in NZ”

Very poor, very stressful, job not donen

“Got a price for job, paid half deposit, no contact, after three months we contacted and were made several promises to complete the job, this never happened so requested our money back, after a week money was not returned, had to make contact again to get money refunded. Would not recommend, very poor customer and communication skills.”