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Loving Tributes
Pet Services in Christchurch, Canterbury area
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Our address
Lincoln Road,
Canterbury, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 339 2540
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 2005
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Pet Services
Counselling, Glass Cutting, Euthanasia, Cremation, Training
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Lincoln, Lincoln Area
Payment options
Cash, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Dogs, Birds, Puppies, Cats, Kittens, Pet Food, Dog Doors, Cat Doors, Cemetery
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Loving Tributes are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 46 Min
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“Blatant Wrong Change by $20.00. My 83 year old Aunt from Melbourne gave a $50.00 note to purchase items worth $26.00. Change amount should have been $24.00 but she is given on $4.00. Yes $4.00. ”
“Today I bought 2 nonslip mats wrapped in plastic, difficult to remove, and more unnecessary plastic to be disposed of”
Faulty dishwasher installation
“Dishwasher was not hooked up correctly resulting in water leaking into kitchen cupboards and causing damage. Despite their tradesman admitting a faulty installation Leader and Watt denied responsibility and refused to repair damage adequately only offering a cheap patch up job.”
“Wow what a fantastic place to work for not!! It was so hard to take time off for my wife scan .. My daughter birth is worth more than running a stupid machine do you hear? Ok”
Trucks travelling over speed liit
“Going through Inglewood between tawa st and Dudley roan, which is at present under road works of 30klm. This truck was going at least 60 klm or more towards Stratford at approx 12.15 to 12.40pm today. Please advise driver that police are being informed of speeding.”