Louise Parkin
Massage Health and Fitness in Hastings, Havelock North area
Feel better, recovery faster, improve health.
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Our address
24 Arataki Road
Hastings, Havelock North
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2011
Health Consultants, Natural Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Beauty, Care & Health, Bowen Therapy, Lymphatic Massage, Concussion relief, Outsmart pain
Expertised in Massage Health and Fitness
Muscle joint and nerve pain recovery
Areas serviced
Havelock North
Payment options
Cash or bank transfer
Additional info
Home clinic. Plenty of parking, Request a special time not shown
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Louise Parkin are:
Opens in 13 hours 41 minutes
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About Louise Parkin
Louise Parkin Practicing Bowen Therapy since 2011. Registered Nurse at Hastings Hospital. Proudly helping people like you to recover faster. Skilled in Assessment and release techniques to bring about fast change. Teaching movement exercises to keep the change improving. Unlike any other therapeutic massage.
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