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Lockwood Manor Motel
Motels and Lodges in New Plymouth, Taranaki area
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Our address
47 Hobson Street,
New Plymouth
Taranaki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 758 0582
0508 758758
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 1986
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Strandon, New Plymouth Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Diner's Club, American Express, VISA, Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS
Additional info
4 Star, Art Galleries, Beach, En Suite Bathrooms, Cooking Facilities, Laundry Facilities, Nightclubs, High Chairs, Alarm Clocks, Sky TV, Cots, Broadband, Laundry
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lockwood Manor Motel are:
Open Now
Today: 07:30am-09:30pm
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“I have suffers from miagrains migraines and have have several operations due to my spine.after a working with gina once it was like a miracle recommend her to anyone”
Terrible service
“Appalled with how I was spoken to by two staff members over the phone. They were so rude and completely cut me off. I would not recommend.”
“Fantastic service. Friendly and willing to go the extra mile. Well recommended”
Poor communication
“6 weeks wait for a return phone call. Still waiting”