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Lifeguard Electrical Safety Systems
Safety Equipment in Auckland area
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Our address
18 Gloucester Park Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 634 3376
0800 5433 48
Our fax
09 634 0567
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lifeguard Electrical Safety Systems are:
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Opens in 5 Hr 24 Min
Services offered
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Onehunga, Auckland City
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Credit Terms Available, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS
Additional info
Fall Protection, Respiratory Protection, Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Face Protection, Safety Glasses, Safety Clothing, Work Boots, Safety Supplies, Road Safety Equipment, Protective Clothing, First Aid Kits, Safety Glasses, Industrial, High Visibility
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This is what customers say about Lifeguard Electrical Safety Systems
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Friendly staff and welcoming environment
“Great with children!”
“Scam artists , same company as Auckland mobile mechanics, beware ”
“Don’t share any personal information with them. There was a serious breach of privacy resulting in an official ID document being publicly avaiable on their website.”
“Dave is one of the best digger operators i have used over the last 50yrs. Highly recommended”