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Leo Fearnley 2007 Limited Registered Drainlayers
Drainage in Nelson area
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Our address
130 Vanguard Street,
South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 423 3028
0274 233 028
03 545 7015
Our fax
03 545 7407
Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Brightwater, Wakefield, Richmond, Nelson, Stoke, Nelson Area
Additional info
Drainage Contractors, Contractors, Dairy Farms, Housing, Houses, Farms, Reservoirs, Residential, Commercial, Septic Systems, Septic Tanks, Drains, Drain Cleaners
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Leo Fearnley 2007 Limited Registered Drainlayers are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 15 Min
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This is what customers say about Leo Fearnley 2007 Limited Registered Drainlayers
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“Twink is a beautiful midwife. She has delivered both my darling girls now aged 12 & 2. Both experiences different. Best midwife in Whakatane”
Amazing service and workmanship
“Honestly wouldn't use anyone else now. Magicians with older homes, integrating new systems as impact-free on character of home as possible.”
“Donna and Schalk always go the extra mile to help out and get the job done right; wel above and beyond what's expected! And Schalk really knows his stuff. Can't recommend these highly enough. ”