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Lendich Construction
Earthmovers in Auckland area
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Our address
185 SH 16,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 416 9700
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Services offered since 2013
Heavy Haulage
Expertised in Earthmovers
Clearing, Tree Removal, Dumping, Digging, Bulldozing, Levelling, Demolition, Earthmoving, Landscaping
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Whenuapai, West Auckland
Additional info
Driveways, Driveways, Commercial, Diggers, Bulldozers, Augers
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lendich Construction are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Amazing speech therapist
“Understanding and helpful for child on the Autism Spectrum”
“They fit us in very last minute for an oil change Allowed us to continue on our road trip with only a minor hold up and we really appreciated it.”
$50 for 15 minute ride. Biggest rip off
“Drives around night spots and collects people who assume they are a standard taxi and then rips you off badly. Left something in taxi and he has no contact details to follow up and the address listed is wrong. How does he keep his license. Have complained o the Federation but he is still ripping people off nightly.”
HIghly recommended
“Donella Jones Design have been highly prefessional and their creative outlook on grahpic design is just brilliant. Donella Jones Design is taking our business to the next level.”