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Lee Conner Massage and Hotstone
Natural Therapy in Rotorua, Bay of Plenty area
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Our address
1220-1224 Fenton Street,
Bay of Plenty, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 754 6520
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lee Conner Massage and Hotstone are:
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Opens in 3 Hr 59 Min
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This is what customers say about Lee Conner Massage and Hotstone
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Multiple deliveries
“For some reason the person delivering circulars to our house thinks we need 3-6 copies of the same circular every week”
“Maree offers a professional experienced service. This was my first time ever that I had sought therapy for my long suffering feet. I just expected them to do what they've always done and wow have they taken a pounding. They started complaining so much I had to listen. Maree has helped me so much not just heal my aching feet but enabled me to appre iate and connect with them, hoping to never take them for granted again.”
“It’s free and you get the quality you pay for! Admin is rude and unhelpful. Dentists are bad with kids: they will traumatize yours so they can process as many as possible! Terrible people. Stay away!”
Terrible delivery person
“Delivery in Stratford is discussing at the moment, mine and several other packages were left at an address for them to deliver? Whoever you have delivering packages at the moment in Stratford is blatantly lazy. This is my 2nd complaint in two weeks. The 1st being over the phone. I'm sure mine won't be the only one. Please make sure the delivery person is doing his job correctly.”