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Lawson Wilson Cleaning
Cleaners Domestic in Whangarei, Northland area
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Our address
88 Anzac Road,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 459 7072
Our fax
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Services offered
Cleaners Commercial, Cleaners Domestic
Expertised in Cleaners Domestic
Floor Polishing, Vacuuming, Move Outs, Move Ins, Dusting, Polishing
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Morningside, Whangarei Area
Additional info
Kitchens, Bathrooms, Offices, Residential, Commercial, Windows, Floors, Carpet, Ovens
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lawson Wilson Cleaning are:
Closed now
Opens in 1 day 4 Hr 42 Min
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“I would recommend Ace Floor Sanding if you want a first class job done. Greg sanded and polyurethaned our scungy kitchen floor to make it look fabulous. His communication was excellent. Jen- Karori”
Not good and I have advised
“Have raised concerns with co owner. Interaction very challenging.I believe that I may also been over charged. I paid $102 for a back massage plus lash and brow tint only . I understand a back massage is $55 so was charged another $47 for lash and brow tint which is a lot I think as brow at brow bar only $15. Sarah mobile 0274373959”
Very helpful very comfortable feet again
“Enjoyed the helpful service, very thorough check, video footage to show how I walk and move on my feet. Lots of helpful information, very happy to find a solution that was suitable for me and my budget, very friendly service will use again.”
“Do not trust these people with your WOF! Nobody leaves with a clean bill of health. In 44 years of dealing with garage services, I've never felt so ripped off. To top it all off, they are bloody rude as well!”