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Lawns Man
Lawnmowing Services in Lower Hutt, Wellington area
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Our address
8 Korau Grove,
Lower Hutt
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 563 8669
Our fax
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Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Lawnmowing Services
Clearing, Trimming, Lawn Care, Gardening, Lawn Mowing, Maintenance, Rubbish Removal
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt City
Additional info
Free Quotes, Free Quotes, Trees, Lawns, Residential, Commercial, Hedges, Lawn Mowers
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Lawns Man are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Shipped an EquiBalance to Germany nearly 10 years ago. Fantastic trailer for warmbloods. Loaded immediately and traveled beautifully. No previous "training". Arrive fresh after 4+ hours.”
“Shopped here a lot, but just refused a refund 20 minutes after $50 purchase because son realized it wasnt the right product after all. Incredibly mean spirited - will never shop here again and will make sure friends and colleagues don't either. What a sh*t way to treat your customers.”
If you value your teeth don't go there
“Abrupt receptionist bordering rude, had 2 teeth pulled out that the female dentist said could not be saved, turned out they could have been, the extraction of one of them was horrific as she didn't have the strength to extract the tooth and virtually climbed on top of me to gain leverage, had no regard that she was crushing my lips with her force. She was verbally stressing to staff and herself and I was stuck with her in my mouth petrified. Never again, worst dental treatment I've ever had”
JLT913 Toyota prius
“Driving all over the road, driving really slow about 40km per hour. Doesn't know how to drive on these roads, constant braking when not needing to. Unsafe driver on the roads. Was pulling out to oncoming lane to come around cars .”
“Once again, failing to pay your bill for over a year. Over $5000 owed to a small family fun business. Seems to be a common theme. DO NOT SHOP HERE, go support the honest, local produce farmers! ”