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Kilmister Furntiure Restoration Limited
Antique Restorers in Masterton, Wellington area
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Our address
7 Rogers Lane,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 377 5151
027 2301 203
Our fax
06 3775139
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Furniture Finishing and Repair
Expertised in Antique Restorers
Restoration, Refinishing, Polishing, Lacquering
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Masterton, Masterton Area
Additional info
French, Contemporary, Wood, Residential, Commercial, Upholstery, Tables, Seats, Office Furniture, Desks, Chairs
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Kilmister Furntiure Restoration Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 7 Hr 20 Min
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This is what customers say about Kilmister Furntiure Restoration Limited
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Cleaned up my trees and hedges
“Did a magnificent job in atrocious gale force southerlies and sideways rain. Left the section looking good with mess cleaned up.”
Faulty dishwasher installation
“Dishwasher was not hooked up correctly resulting in water leaking into kitchen cupboards and causing damage. Despite their tradesman admitting a faulty installation Leader and Watt denied responsibility and refused to repair damage adequately only offering a cheap patch up job.”
Conman Simon McCullough
“Stole our money, half finished job, liar and using tramadol on the job.”
Brick wall renovation
“Good communication and completed the project when planned. The +70 year old wall required an artisan approach to ensure that it was visually consistent with the era of construction and this was well provided.”