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Keegan Electrical
Electricians in Stratford, Taranaki area
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Our address
191 Broadway,
Taranaki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 765 5290
027 442 465
Our fax
06 765 5832
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Stratford Area
Additional info
Central Heating, Coloured Lights, Access, Bulbs, Appliance Connections, Connections, Climatrol, Access Controls, Circuit Breakers, CD Players, Compressors, Cable, Air Pumps, Colour Scanners, Ceiling Fans, Cables, Audio Visual Equipment, Cameras, Air Conditioners, Broadband, Appliances, Communications Cables, Centre Drives, Communication Systems, Heated, Solar Heated, Portable, Wireless, Hidden, Energy Efficient
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Keegan Electrical are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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