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Kawika Design
Advertising in Welcome Bay, Bay of Plenty area
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Our address
12 Wade Place,
Welcome Bay
Bay of Plenty, Western Bay of Plenty, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 544 7311
027 687 1798
Our fax
544 7311
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Graphic Designers, Printers Web Site Development
Expertised in Advertising
Development, Internet Marketing, Web Hosting, Website Design,
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Tauranga Area
Additional info
Online Information, Online Directory, Phone Books, Maps, Phone Directories, Graphics, Guide Advertising, Digital Media, Internet
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Kawika Design are:
Closed now
Opens in 19 Hr 53 Min
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Excellent floor sander
“A top notch job with extensive knowledge of woodworking”
Reaction to Anon written on 14/03/2022
“Its a shame you didn't add your name to your comment, as I dont believe you were a visitor who just popped in. More likely one of the Toxic Persons that Management removed from the property. I am a permanent and yes the camp has had it problems, but we came here like others accepting the camp as it was and we are all still here. We are all good respectable people. Council is making regular checks.”