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Kaonga Gardens

Garden Centres and Nurseries in Dargaville, Northland area

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business Kaonga Gardens are:


Open Now

Today: 09:00am-05:00pm

Services offered since 2013

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Expertised in Garden Centres and Nurseries


Areas serviced

we are providing services in Wairoa, Wairoa Area

Payment options

MasterCard, VISA

Additional info

Deciduous, Evergreen, Gardeners, Seed, Shrubs, Bark, Trees, Compost, Azaleas, Roses, Lavender, Azaleas, Roses, Garden

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$50 for 15 minute ride. Biggest rip off

“Drives around night spots and collects people who assume they are a standard taxi and then rips you off badly. Left something in taxi and he has no contact details to follow up and the address listed is wrong. How does he keep his license. Have complained o the Federation but he is still ripping people off nightly.”

Nelson's a small place Anjela Sharma Barrister and Solicitor

Incompetent, disorganised and conceited

“Absolutely abysmal service. Doesn't listen and is very disorganised. Appears to have no administrative support so you'll be paying her excessive hourly rate so she can type poorly written emails and double book your appointments. I realise that she already has a poor reputation in Nelson (and now NZ) but my review is entirely based on her substandard service which is, quite frankly, unprofessional. AVOID at all costs.”

Trying to pay a debt

“So i ask for help to pay my debt. Man must know my phone number. I refuse request and ask for another way to identify myself apparently there is no other way to help me. Address is not an option so they cant find you even though they sent you a debt to you. I explained you didnt have the phone number to send the mail. And why do i wantyou to have my number. Its been awhile since i seen the bill and it is gnawing at me to take care of it. And because im attempting to do that no one wants to help”

Great business, I will be returning!

“Excellent service. I have just had two paintings personally delivered by one of the co-owners, thank you Christian, I really appreciated this. The variety of frames and workmanship is excellent”

Fantastic haircut.

“Amazing staff. Recommended!”