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KNS Eastern Traders
Supermarkets in Wellington area
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Our address
6 Mcmillan Court,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 939 2424
027 3251030
Our fax
04 9390654
Our website
No website yet.
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business KNS Eastern Traders are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Dawn journeyed life with us and caught all five of our boys. Our last were twins and because of her experIence I was able to birth them naturally. Dawn is a warm caring woman with a wealth of experience. She is professional and was an amazing advocate at a time when I was feeling vulnerable.”
Left a dusty mess everywhere
“My wife was not happy having to clean up after him”
All talk unprofessional
“Doesn’t prepare doesn’t do what sad doesn’t respond to emails phone calls ver interested when first contact then useless seems collecting ACC fees is all good at”