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JustWorkout MILFORD24Hr
Health and Fitness Centres in Auckland area
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Our address
114 Kitchener Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 489 7748
0508 587 896
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Services offered since 2013
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Expertised in Health and Fitness Centres
Group Exercise, Exercise Programmes, Classes,Kickboxing, Core Strength, Circuit Training, Cardiovascular Training, Body Pump, Body Building, Aerobics
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Milford, North Shore
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, EFTPOS
Additional info
Personal Trainers, Women, Men, Cardiovascular Equipment, Infrared Sauna, Gyms, Courts, Climbing Wall, Fitness, Air Conditioning, Boxing
Availability/ Opening hours
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“Ian Rapson definitely lives up to his known reputation of being the dirty deeds doctor of NZ. I’m a female patient of his last year and he made me bend over unnecessarily I couldn’t believe it! dirty ”
“Great service easy to deal with. Alan has pride in his work! Tidy, efficient snd well-priced! Many thanks! ”
Literally run by a Nazi
“AVOID. The owner of this company has been imprisoned for hate crimes. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-shooting/111386125/nazithemed-company-beneficial-insulation-reported-to-police-after-christchurch-shootings”
Replaced urn I supplied
“Unprofessional telling a client they don't know what their 10yr old urn looked like. Destroy plaque then deny it. Replaced it with a really out of date one said it was always there once removed they were proven wrong”
Happy customer
“My sister recommended treeworkz to me after she had some work done by Stu. Good communication The best quote by far! Awesome employees Went beyond what was expected! Excellent job! HIGHLY RECOMMEND shop around for your quotes, we would have been out of pocket by $1000 if we went with the first one.”