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Furniture Manufacturers in Christchurch, Canterbury area
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Our address
27F Tanya Street,
Canterbury, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 376 5589
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Services offered since 2007
Furniture and Furnishings, Furniture Manufacturers
Expertised in Furniture Manufacturers
Custom Orders, Consulting, Made to Measure, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Bromley, Christchurch
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Quotes, Pillows, Bedding, Blinds, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
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“I have been using them since I arrived in NZ fifteen years ago. Since retiring 8 years ago I now live 40 km from them but still happily make the trip.It's a great team.”
“Actual collection service is very good, however non response to emails sent from May 2022 still remain unanswered, which is disappointing.”
Sabotaged my vacuum
“Clint or Clinton was asked to repair a Festool midi vacuum. The price was almost the cost of a new one to repair. I couldn’t afford it. I did get my own motor delivered for $164 inc gst. Problem is all the wires in side have been pulled and cut. I’m not a big company and think this is totally of order. Unprofessional, unethical and completely unnecessary.”
Needs to remove my cellphone number
“Number 021432294 my number I get a million calls asking if I’m halls cleaning service, update your shit”