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Jae Carpet Services
Carpet and Furniture Cleaning in Wellington area
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Our address
126 Owhiro Bay Parade,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 225 552
0800 225 552
Our fax
03 960 0519
Our website
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Services offered
Flood and Fire Restoration
Expertised in Carpet and Furniture Cleaning
Stain Removal, Restoration, Deodourising, Carpet Restoration, Drying
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Kaikoura, Cheviot, Culverden, Rangiora, Darfield, Akaroa, Ashubrton, Amberley, Christchurch
Additional info
Dry Cleaning, Hot Water Extraction, Dry in Place, Cotton, Leather, Residential, Commercial, Upholstery, Rugs, Carpet Cleaners, Carpet, No Residue, Quick Dry, Non-toxic, Dry Room
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Jae Carpet Services are:
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Thank you for careing
“Appreciate your prioritizing the vaccinated to keep your awesome staff and us safe. Very grateful. Ignore the haters and keep up the good work.”
“I would never use this company, I was verbally abused by the two delivery guys as I asked them to move the truck which was parked a metre over the entrance of a driveway. Feel for their poor client.”
Equestrians who know their stock
“Very helpful and friendly staff that found a good solution for me. I recommend this Saddlery.”
“Great workers with a good work ethic, but need to learn to communicate with the customer before parking their vehicle on a property without consultation”