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J Shearer Fencing Driveways, Excavation and Decks
Fencing Contractors in Wakefield, Tasman area
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Our address
30 Edward Street,
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
021 083 56335
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Services offered
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Expertised in Fencing Contractors
Landscaping, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Christchurch, Kaiapoi, Pegasus, Prebbleton, Rangiora, Rolleston, West Melton Rolleston, West Melton
Additional info
Free On-site Consultation, Macrocarpa, Red Cedar, Cedar, Pine, Treated Wood, Hardwood, Battens, Fences, Gates, Retaining Fences, Picket Fences, Privacy Fences, Security Grilles, Child Safe, Retaining
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business J Shearer Fencing Driveways, Excavation and Decks are:
Closed now
Opens in 1 Hr 10 Min
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This is what customers say about J Shearer Fencing Driveways, Excavation and Decks
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“I have been using Day cream and night cream and the mud mask. All are great and the containers they are in are safe to use and do not get contaminated by dirty hands. Great product and worth the price”
Unvaxxed = unclean.
“Seems this service thinks ok to discriminate against those people who choose not to take part in a world wide experimental drug programme. Disgusting behaviour. If they ever wondered where they would have stood in 1933 - now they know.”
“First class wedding album makers and distributors. Brian and his daughter are great, been with them for years. Paul Broome.”