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J G Wech Plumbers And Drainlayers
Drainage in Orewa, Auckland area
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Our address
20 Tamariki Avenue,
Auckland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 481 1127
027 4811127
Our fax
09 4225291
Our website
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Services offered
Expertised in Drainage
Clearing, Remodelling, Installation, Renovations, Inspections, Repairs, Replacement
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Warkworth, Matakana, Omaha, Kaipara, Wellsford, Puhoi, Orewa Hibiscus Coast, Orewa
Additional info
Drainage Contractors, Plumbers, Flats, Subdivisions, Bathrooms, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Showers, Toilets
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business J G Wech Plumbers And Drainlayers are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about J G Wech Plumbers And Drainlayers
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No stars
“So the receptionist just threatened to push my daughter in the face. What kind of service is this? If you having problems at home dont take ya crap out on customers. Definitely wouldn't recommend going here.”
“Simple clipper job for undercut but charged for full hair cut. huge chunk out. Went back to fix still not straight and have one side higher. No refund offered. Will not go back. ”
Needs to remove my cellphone number
“Number 021432294 my number I get a million calls asking if I’m halls cleaning service, update your shit”
Outstanding Naturopath
“Janine is a wonderfully talented naturopath with a genuinely interested nature. I can not recommend highly enough. I even call from Australia for advice.”
Didn't really care
“I contacted tthem and the guy that answered fobbed me off and didn't even suggest anyone else to do the job. I understand you may be busy but they're is such a thing as customer service. Would never ring them again”