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Florists in Bulls, Manawatu-Wanganui area
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Our address
84 High Street, State Highway 1, 1,
Manawatu-Wanganui, Rangitikei, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 322 1312
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Services offered
Antiques, Florist Accessories, Florists, Gift Shops and Suppliers
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Bulls, Bulls Area
Additional info
Gift Baskets, Bridal Bouquets, Baskets, Arrangements, Bouquets, Fresh, Orchids, Carnations, Roses, Lilies, Daffodils, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Funerals, Weddings
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Intrigue are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Your requirements is available in stock Hitachi zx120 adjuster assy..10 pcs Contact me:- [email protected] Thanks ”
Lovely gentleman
“We went to get a chain fixed and the gentleman there was very helpful and decent, I'm assuming it's the owner Graeme. They also have gorgeous items for sale.”
Borehole External power Outlet
“Very impressed with the quick communication and quality of work. Would definitely recommend.”
“Awesome service always willing to help they have a discount for elderly and always have a smile at the front desk”
“One of their drivers on 15th June 2020 in Kumeu at 10.12 am refused to stop having terrorised other motorists at the traffic lights and badly damaged my car. He denies he was there. Photo shows him.”