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IDEA Services
General Business in Invercargill, Southland area
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Our address
162 Dee Street, Southern Scenic Route, State Highway 6, 6,
Southland, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 211 2980
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Ground Down review
“The Ground Down team have been nothing but lovely to deal with and professional with very competitive pricing. We had quite a complex shared driveway job and their communication and timeline delivery were great.”
Flawless and faultless
“In my own personal experience with Mike Kilbride, I felt extremely comfortable with his representation and trusted him without an iona of doubt, an absolute professional with his work and representation...if you want a barrister/lawyer for anything that requires the full attention and dedication then Mike Kilbride is your guy..10/10....”
“we been there at 2;40pm for my 10 months baby appointment at 2;45pm. we were sitting in the waiting area aand baby was playing and laughing.The reception lady asked us to go out as my baby was laughing loud. we were so upset as it was so hot and no one can ask you to go out just because the baby laugh.It makes me so upset . it was so hot outside. i asked for witing time while we came back inside, the lady said you were too early so you have to wait. Annoying experience. Will change the doctor.”