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Huxtable Motors 2009 Taradale Limited
Automotive Repairs in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
14 Puketapu Road,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 844 8361
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Automotive Repairs
Repairs, Maintenance, Alignments
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Taradale, Napier Area
Payment options
Cash, Personal Cheques, EFTPOS
Additional info
Imports, Domestic, 4WD, Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Transmissions, Automatic Transmissions
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Huxtable Motors 2009 Taradale Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 1 day 11 Hr 37 Min
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This is what customers say about Huxtable Motors 2009 Taradale Limited
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Unprofessional and incompetent
“Absolutely abysmal service. Doesn't listen and is very disorganised. Appears to have no administrative support so you'll be paying her excessive hourly rate so she can type poorly written emails and double book your appointments. I realise that she already has a poor reputation in Nelson (and now NZ) but my review is entirely based on her substandard service which is, quite frankly, unprofessional. AVOID at all costs. NB - she's created another profile to dodge poor feedback so reposted here”
“Had a problematic washing machine still under warranty. They came to assess, had to take it away and brought it back fixed a week later. Nice and friendly, no problems.”
“Blatant Wrong Change by $20.00. My 83 year old Aunt from Melbourne gave a $50.00 note to purchase items worth $26.00. Change amount should have been $24.00 but she is given on $4.00. Yes $4.00. ”
Rude and expensive
“Bruce Moroney is rude, unhelpful and overpriced. They do no stick the quotes given given. Bruce is incredibly condensing when dealing with women.”
Quick/Slick West Coast based Service.
“Brilliant work..no fuss the job was done when I returned home after work. Great communcation. A very reliable honest service every time Jason has carried out work for me. 👍”