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House Wash
Household Services in Auckland area
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Our address
84 John Street,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 378 6050
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Services offered
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Expertised in Household Services
Organising, House Sitting, House Cleaning, Decluttering, Cleaning
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Ponsonby, Auckland City
Additional info
Free Confidential Consultation, By Appointment, Testimonials, References Available, Gift Certificates, Free Confidential Consultation, Offices, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business House Wash are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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You have some wicked courage
“Providing help for both communities so the protesters can protest and everybody else can keep on keeping on.”
“Click,collect 3 employees filling shelves while I have been waiting for 50 mins.i called 10 minutes ago, they confirmed my order was in. I could see the employee holding the bag, but I a”
Don't get too ecxited
“Never before have we been cheated and deceived in this way by a company that are dealing with families, with moms, dads, and kids, who just want to find themselves a nice house. Out of the blue, and without any reason at all, Focus Property Management just offered the house to someone else... the next applicant on the list! After everything we did and all our commitments. We were offered the house, we accepted the terms, we received the contract, everything was agreed and settled”
“Horrible person who thinks it is ok to verbally abuse a pregnant woman in a car park! Beware!!”
Seriously disappointed. Do not use!!
“Seriously recommend anyone to use a different company. He put down a well for us, we specifically asked for 3rd aquifer at 90-100 meters. He only drilled ours to 47 meters, and our water is terrible. We have had to sink another well with a different company, to the correct level. Using Daly water wells was a seriously expensive mistake. Simply put, he is a backyard operation, and a rip-off scam artist. After asking around the district, we have discovered many others with similar stories.”