Host Here
affordable hosting, web design, web development, w
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Our address
2-336 St Heliers Bay Rd
New Zealand
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Services offered since 1999
Technology & Marketing
Expertised in
Web design, hosting and domain name registration, photography, logo design and copy writing
Areas serviced
New Zealand
Payment options
Credit Card, Internet Banking, PayPal
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About Host Here
Host Here is a one-stop-shop for domain name registration, NZ-based hosting and website design all under the same roof. This means there is only ever one phone call to make if something goes wrong or you need help. Furthermore there are no call centres, ticket systems or voicemail, you just call Peter on 092221045 and he sorts it out on the spot, without any fuss. Peter has made hundreds of websites in all business classes; websites for trades people, websites for accommodation providers like guesthouses, BnBs and motels, website for white collar businesses like consultants, accountants and lawyers and websites for artists and photographers, and so on.
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Good work and social experience
“Good and easy to communicate with, they have a lot of team working but could be better.”
Reaction to Anon written on 14/03/2022
“Its a shame you didn't add your name to your comment, as I dont believe you were a visitor who just popped in. More likely one of the Toxic Persons that Management removed from the property. I am a permanent and yes the camp has had it problems, but we came here like others accepting the camp as it was and we are all still here. We are all good respectable people. Council is making regular checks.”
Go Steve ! Supermechanic
“I am pleased to say I have been a customer of SB Autos for over 20 years. Steve and his team have kept my family's vehicles in top condition and most of all, SAFE.Steve is meticulous, his team follow suit. Steve has picked up many minor issues with our fleet, which I doubt others would have. His advice has saved us plenty over the years, by avoiding issues in advance. He and his team are thorough. They don't just fix what appears to be broken, they check out why and how, then advise. 10/10”
Marriage celebrant
“Josephine was an Awesome celebrant for our wedding.We were so blessed to have her look after us. God bless her and her whanau Amine XXX 😍 Missy&Mo Tumu”