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Homedale Transport 2000 Limited
Transport Operators in Lower Hutt, Wellington area
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Our address
15 Hay Street,
Lower Hutt
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 568 7370
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Services offered
Furniture Removal and Packers, Transport Operators
Expertised in Transport Operators
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Regional, Local, Nationwide, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt City
Additional info
Curtainsiders, Trucks, Land, Quotes, Contract Rates, Industrial, Commercial, Containers, Freight, Flat Decks, Forklifts
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Homedale Transport 2000 Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 5 Hr 47 Min
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This is what customers say about Homedale Transport 2000 Limited
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“Booked flights to Fiji for myself and two others. Super excited. Got who I find out is the manager who was so bored and uninterested, no eye contact and basically acted like I was wasting his time. Definitly put a downer on the trip. Miserable. Wish Id got the other guy in the office who was having a great time with his client. Move on buddy if you dont like your job.”
Poor workmanship and service
“We had two bathrooms tiled floor to ceiling in a new build architectural house. We were left with chipped tiles and also some tiles that were drumming(not glued down adequately) . We have had to make an insurance claim for the removal of all floor tiles& replacement along with underfloor heating elements which involves the removal of toilets, vanities and bath. Would not recommend Todd Mudie's to anyoine.”
Disgusted in this company
“It is with disgust that i've learned you supported the "dawn raids" at parliament this morning. Your actions will embolden violence against innocent and vulnerable people, who is asking a government to listen to them. It is shameful that working class people working for Hammond will sell their souls to a government who is undermining their own people.”
Manual sign in
“Have been into this Supermarket twice in past 2 weeks and there is no mandatory manual sign in place. Both New World and PaknSave Hastings have a person asking if people have signed in and directing people to the facilities. Hardly anybody in the queue this morning were using the QR code. It is MANDATORY to do so and this is not being followed. Will boycott the supermarket till action is taken to rectify this.”