Heartwood Cedar
Swimming Pools and Spas in Christchurch area
Swimming pool and hot tub service
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Our address
100 Bamford Street
New Zealand
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027 384 4294
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Services offered since 2011
Home & Garden, Pool and hot tub service, Electric or wood-fire heating options
Expertised in Swimming Pools and Spas
Pool and hot tub service in Opawa, Pool and hot tub service near me, Pool and hot tub service, Electric or wood-fire heating options
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Heartwood Cedar are:
Opens in 3 day 3 hours 35 minutes
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About Heartwood Cedar
I'm a passionate Wood-worker, Joiner and qualified Carpenter. I have been creating and working with wood for over 12 years now, working on a variety of different projects around Aotearoa and abroad. My passion for building and designing cedar spa pools was sparked 5 years ago after seeing the complexity and beauty in the craft. I have been perfecting, changing and challenging my designs to a standard that I am now confident is of the highest quality possible.
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Absolute thief,
“Overpriced and known to sleep with clients for extra business”
This guy is a POS
“Evicted at 99: How Betty Hooper took her landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=12455861”
I'm in the Mines, WA Australia :)
“Thanks to Vince Whittaker and the team for class of 2012 Civil Construction Course. That picture of a Dump Truck on our classroom wall inspired me to get my Wheels, Tracks, Rollers & HR Licence. Now I drive a water-truck which is a modified dump-truck like the one on our wall - 9 years later - thank you. Cheers, Claudette W :)”
“don't choose them cause all they are thinking is rob your money.”