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Heartland Hotel Croydon
Hotels and Taverns in Croydon, Southland area
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Our address
100 Waimea Street,
Southland, Gore, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 208 9029
0800 69 69 63
Our fax
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Services offered since 2013
Conference Services, Holiday Accommodation, Hotels and Taverns
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Croydon, Gore Area
Additional info
3.5 Star, Environmentally Friendly, Conference Centres, Bar, Cafe, Business Centre, New Zealand, Beer, TVs, Washing Machines, Alarm Clocks, Internet Access, Coffee
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Heartland Hotel Croydon are:
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“If you want to know the meaning of incapable, go to this place. The people are horrible and the service is second to nothing. The owner doesn't no what he is doing and the accounted cant read numbers”