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Real Estate Agents Licensed in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
207 Gloucester Street,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 845 9100
Our fax
06 877 4050
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Expertised in Real Estate Agents Licensed
Purchasing, Property Management, Property Listing, Property Advertising, Product Marketing, Probate Sales, Investments, Fitouts, Consulting, Constructio
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Taradale, Napier Area
Availability/ Opening hours
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Flawless and faultless
“In my own personal experience with Mike Kilbride, I felt extremely comfortable with his representation and trusted him without an iona of doubt, an absolute professional with his work and representation...if you want a barrister/lawyer for anything that requires the full attention and dedication then Mike Kilbride is your guy..10/10....”
Trying to pay a debt
“So i ask for help to pay my debt. Man must know my phone number. I refuse request and ask for another way to identify myself apparently there is no other way to help me. Address is not an option so they cant find you even though they sent you a debt to you. I explained you didnt have the phone number to send the mail. And why do i wantyou to have my number. Its been awhile since i seen the bill and it is gnawing at me to take care of it. And because im attempting to do that no one wants to help”
“Donna and Schalk have been looking after my boat and my fathers boat for the last year and have always done a great job. Very good and trustworthy people and we are very luckin in Pauanui to have them running their business. I would recommend them to everyone. ”