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Hamilton Dental and Prosthetic Lab Limited
Dental Services in Te Awamutu, Waikato area
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Our address
70 Albert Park Drive, State Highway 3, 3,
Te Awamutu
Waikato, Waipa, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 846 6905
022 127 0288
07 834 1091
Our fax
07 834 1091
Our website
No website yet.
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Dental Services
Orthodontics Repairs, Emergency Care,Denture fabrication
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Nawton, Hamilton
Additional info
Online Information, Consultations, Online Services, Assessments, Root Canals, Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Mouthguards, Braces, Dentures
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Hamilton Dental and Prosthetic Lab Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Hamilton Dental and Prosthetic Lab Limited
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“Once again Nick and his team did a really great job. The job turned out to have some hidden problems including replacing some existing rotten timber, but they took that in their stride - even though it meant it took longer and they had to complete the job in the dark. So totally recommended.”
Needs to remove my cellphone number
“Number 021432294 my number I get a million calls asking if I’m halls cleaning service, update your shit”
“Disgusting meal chips were uneatable fish smelled so bad the cat wouldn't even touch it. Do not go there ”
Useless and time wasting then blames you
“Definitely don’t recommend, go elsewhere!!”