Hal Jones Building Limited
Builders in Featherston area
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17 Hayward Featherston
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2005
Building Consultants, Building Maintenance, Building Supplies, Carpenters, Decks and Decking, Garages Carports and Sheds, Home Improvement, Plasterers, Project Management
Expertised in Builders
New Homes, Construction, Maintenance, Alterations, Renovations, Repairs
Areas serviced
South Wairarapa
Payment options
Contracted invoices.
Additional info
Builders, Houses, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Decks, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Hal Jones Building Limited are:
Opens in 17 hours 49 minutes
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About Hal Jones Building Limited
We have been building in the Wairarapa since 2005. We take on all sorts of work and pride ourselves to completing work to a high standard of finish. A friendly team, always approachable.
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Brendan Attril
“Talked to potential sharemilkers who applied for a job via fencepost in a way that his clients job offer would be unappealing to the applicant. Running down his client and their property as he said were "untidy and rundown" . Also very rude and inconciderate towards clients”
“Don't trust Michael Smith as he is a trickster & a con-artist.He makes up completely fabricated stories & tells you want you want to hear - from some sick sense of satisfaction? Or just to be evil? ”
Thank you!!
“Many, many NZers will be very grateful that your business was willing to assist as needed. I hope you go from strength to strength and”
“I love the lime juice! Had a taste at the Kiwigrass festival in Hamilton. ”