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Greytown Lifecare
Rest and Convalescent Homes in Greytown, Wellington area
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Our address
186 East Street,
Wellington, South Wairarapa, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 304 8041
Our fax
06 304 8357
Our website
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Services offered
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Expertised in Rest and Convalescent Homes
Chair Massage, Day Care, Dressing, Cooking, 24 Hour Surveillance, Activities, Companion Services, Church Services, Convalescent Care
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Greytown, Greytown Area
Additional info
Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, 2 Bedroom, Email, Controlled Access
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Greytown Lifecare are:
Open Now
Today: 24 hr
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No issues
“The work needed was a nightmare but Peter took It all in his stride and listened to us throughout with project completed to a higher standard that we, ve gotten from other 'tradies'”
“Excellent service from the Lads here they know their stuff. Came up from tauranga and wasn't disappointed. Talk to Oliver there and he'll sort you out ! Great value for money ”
Amazing finish 😉👍👍
“I coukdnt believe the finish on my ute from airflow wow.great bunch of guys.i highy recconmmend crashing car and taking it to airflow panel and paint.thank you so much and for cleaning it and polishing the wheels and ute.it looks like a brand new ute.xheers guys highly highly reccomended massive thank u”