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Goodwin Matt and Kelly
General Business in Warea, Taranaki area
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Our address
56 Puniho Road, Middle Puniho Road,
Taranaki, South Taranaki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 752 8231
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Opens in 6 Hr 2 Min
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“Jayne was so nice when we first met but on my actual wedding day she was miserable, hardly smiled & missed important photo's that can never be taken again. Think twice before getting her to capture your special day.”
One of the kindest people in the world.
“I highly recommend Right Panelbeaters to anyone looking for an honest thorough and thought provoking experience. They explained everything detail fir me to understand exactly what was going on amd what to expect in the future with my auto. Above and beyond service.”
Wrong way round.
“When installing a Legacy-Tekapo toilet roll holder we found the instructions put the base plate recesses horizontally they need to be top and bottom (vertically).We now have an extra hole in the wall, but were lucky the fully assembled holder has covered it.The grub screw with the allen key to do it up is a nightmare where as an ordinary slot for a flat screwdriver would be far easier and less damaging to freshly painted walls.”
Wouldn’t use
“Weird guy, really into Trump. Mediocre painter who thinks he’s the shit. Seems to have a high opinion of himself and is condescending, has a victim complex and is creepy. Beware ladies!”
“Had their t/aways before, but last night..eew chicken chow mein, the taste was lovely, except: hardly any chicken, 1 coin size round of carrot halved and tough, large chunks of cauli quite firm, old broccoli it was going yellow underneath eewww, onion was lovely, appearance was horrid. Also had two spring rolls, eeeww, consisted of mince, some corn kernels and some peas, no shredded cabbage, flavour ok, but certainly not a spring roll, the pastry itself was good, I guess they made them.”