Golden Bee Lawn Services
Lawnmowing Services in Invercargill area
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Our address
153 Salford Street
New Zealand
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022 369 9108
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Services offered since 2024
Cleaners Commercial, Cleaners Domestic, Garden Maintenance, Landscaping, Window Cleaning, Transport & Storage, Building, Home & Garden, Professional Lawn Mowing services in Invercargill, Professional Window cleaning Service in NZ, Property Cleanup In Invercargill, Landscaping service in Invercargill, Gutter Cleaning service, Quick and efficient gutter cleaning service
Expertised in Lawnmowing Services
Areas serviced
Invercargill and nearby areas
Payment options
Cash and Bank transfer
Additional info
Golden Bee Cleaning Services is a local business that takes great pride in all of our services. We provide our lawn care, lawn maintainace, gutter cleaning, and window cleaning services to Invercargill area as well as the surrounds. Our great service begins and ends with experienced, Professional and friendly professionals. We offers a range of reliable, high quality, and professional services including lawn mowing, gardening, landscaping, rubbish removal, Window Cleaning, hedge trimming and just about anything else your House needs – Just ask from our experienced staff. We do provide these services to not only Invercargill but to all the nearby areas as well. Our Lawn mowing and window cleaning service are simply the best in Town!
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Golden Bee Lawn Services are:
Opens in 0 Hr 35 Min
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About Golden Bee Lawn Services
Golden Bee Cleaning Services is a local business that takes great pride in all of our services. We provide our lawn care, lawn maintainace, gutter cleaning, and window cleaning services to Invercargill area as well as the surrounds. Our great service begins and ends with experienced, Professional and friendly professionals. We offers a range of reliable, high quality, and professional services including lawn mowing, gardening, landscaping, rubbish removal, Window Cleaning, hedge trimming and just about anything else your House needs – Just ask from our experienced staff. We do provide these services to not only Invercargill but to all the nearby areas as well. Our Lawn mowing and window cleaning service are simply the best in Town!
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