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Gentle Dental Company Gus Cameron
Dentists in Whangarei, Northland area
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Our address
17 Rust Avenue,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 430 0046
021 454 0360
Our fax
09 430 2807
Our website
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Services offered since 1976
Cosmetic Surgery, Dental Services, Dentists
Expertised in Dentists
Teeth Whitening
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Whangarei, Whangarei Area
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS
Additional info
Root Canals, Fillings, Extractions, Cosmetic Dentistry, Implant Retained Dentures, Dentures, Crowns, Bridges, Amalgam Free, Cerec
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Gentle Dental Company Gus Cameron are:
Closed now
Opens in 2 day 11 Hr 3 Min
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This is what customers say about Gentle Dental Company Gus Cameron
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“have just tried to install tekapo towel rail. Instructions are wrong on box, most annoying. the screwholes need to be sideways not vertical in order to fit the rail..l”
Excellent Service
“Speedy, reasonably priced and very skilled - unlike the clowns who “repaired” my exhaust 6 months previously. Thanks Leigh!”
“They refuse to finalize the item that is needed to finish. After waiting more than 6+months, I've sent my options to see what I can legally do to move forward. I would never recommend any company they own.”
Great service great people
“Fantastic team of good trades men , Highly recomend”