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Gemco Construction and Trades
Drainage in Hastings area
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Our address
13 Martin Pl,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 873 8756
027 226 0883
027 443 3817
Our fax
06 873 8799
Our website
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Services offered
Blocklaying, Bricklaying, Builders, Doors and Door Fittings, Drainage, Electricians, Gasfitters, Joinery Manufacturers, Kitchen Fittings and Design, Painters and Paperhangers, Plasterers, Plumbers, Texture Coating, Tile Installation, Windows
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Havelock North, Hastings Area
Payment options
Personal Cheques, Credit Terms Available, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking)
Additional info
Plumbers, References Available, Residential, Municipal Government, Industrial, Government, Educational, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Gemco Construction and Trades are:
Open Now
Today: 07:30am-04:00pm
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$50 for 15 minute ride. Biggest rip off
“Drives around night spots and collects people who assume they are a standard taxi and then rips you off badly. Left something in taxi and he has no contact details to follow up and the address listed is wrong. How does he keep his license. Have complained o the Federation but he is still ripping people off nightly.”
If you value your teeth don't go there
“Abrupt receptionist bordering rude, had 2 teeth pulled out that the female dentist said could not be saved, turned out they could have been, the extraction of one of them was horrific as she didn't have the strength to extract the tooth and virtually climbed on top of me to gain leverage, had no regard that she was crushing my lips with her force. She was verbally stressing to staff and herself and I was stuck with her in my mouth petrified. Never again, worst dental treatment I've ever had”
A bully
“After 25 years working at height I've not seen such a bully. This coupled with the questionable safety practices that the guy climbing carried out mean I would not use this company. I'm sure he gives a good price and gets the job done but nobody deserves to be treated as we watched this guy treat his ground guy today, it was disgusting.”
Amazing skilled stylists best cut in tow
“Affordable and efficient service, excellent work”